Imperial College Fully-funded PhD Scholarships

Potential international Ph.D. candidates have a fantastic opportunity through the President’s Imperial College Fully-funded Ph.D. Scholarships at Imperial College for the 2020–2021 academic year.

You may be chosen to earn complete tuition fees and a significant stipend for a Ph.D. spot at Imperial College London if you are a highly accomplished undergraduate or Master’s student who has a strong desire to pursue a Ph.D. programme at a top-tier research institution. The President’s PhD Scholarships are designed to give up to 50 highly talented research students the chance to pursue their chosen field of study while receiving exceptional mentorship.

The Ph.D. funding opportunities available through this programme are exceedingly competitive and have stricter eligibility restrictions. Before applying for this scholarship programme, candidates should be sure they can demonstrate superior academic performance. Previous scholarship winners have achieved good standings in their classes.

    • Applicants who apply before 8th November 2019 and are awarded a scholarship will be notified by 4th February 2020. 
    • Applicants who apply before 10th January 2020 and are awarded a scholarship will now be notified by 31st March 2020.
    • Applicants who apply before 20th March 2022 and are awarded a scholarship will be notified by 29th Oct 2022
  • Offered annually? Yes
  • Number of Awardees: up to 50
  • Duration of Scholarship: up to 3.5 years
  • Award Provider: Imperial College
  • Eligible Countries: International
  • To be taken at (country): London, UK

Imperial College Fully-funded PhD Scholarships Eligibility: 

Talented applicants from Imperial College London, the UK, and other countries are welcome to apply. The nationality has no limitations.
Candidates must rank among the top students in their undergraduate class and hold a first-class British degree or its equivalent.
Candidates with a solo Master’s degree are required to have received a distinction or, in the event that this has not yet occurred, to be able to show evidence of exceptional performance that will result in a distinction. additionally require a first-class undergraduate degree from the UK or an equivalent (integrated Masters that form part of an undergraduate degree, e.g. MEng, MSci, M.Math, are assessed by Admissions as an undergraduate qualification when determining eligibility). Candidates who hold several independent Master’s degrees must have attained.

Candidates with degrees from foreign universities are recommended to confirm that their marks/grades meet the necessary eligibility requirements.
Candidates must have spoken with a supervisor in an academic department at Imperial College London who has agreed to oversee their research project before submitting their application. Please be aware that supervisors can only work with one scholar at a time. For additional information, please visit the President’s PhD Scholarships Supervisors page. Please be aware that current Imperial PhD students who are enrolled and registered are not qualified for the President’s PhD Scholarship. The programme only accepts fresh PhD applications.

Selection Process: Applications will be reviewed by a two-stage process:

  1. Candidates meeting or predicted to meet the eligibility requirements will be reviewed by the Department to which they have applied. Departments will select a shortlist of the very best candidates to present to the Imperial College Selection Panel for consideration.
  2. The final decision will be made by the Imperial College Selection Panel. The members of the panel are the Vice-Provost (Research) and the Faculty Vice-Deans for Research. The Panel will consider shortlisted candidates from all Faculties. Scholarships will be awarded to the candidates who show the most potential.

Successful candidates will receive written confirmation of their scholarship. Any offer of a PhD place will be conditional on final interview by the Department and (if applicable) on the candidate receiving the predicted qualifications.


How to Apply for the Fully-Funded PhD Scholarships at Imperial College: There isn’t a particular application form for scholarships. Our online admissions portal is where you should submit your application to study at Imperial, and your department will nominate you for the scholarship based on your academic standing and potential.

When asked to submit a personal statement, make sure it is approximately 1000 words long (no more than two pages), summarises your academic and research accomplishments to date, and briefly describes your intended research project. Statements longer than two pages will not be taken into consideration by the selection panel. After submitting your application, you may submit revised copies of this statement if necessary.

Candidates must choose this option in the funding section of the extra questions page inside the online application form if they want to be considered for the President’s PhD Scholarship scheme.
Additionally, you must fulfil any additional application requirements outlined by your preferred department.


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